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How to Pick Up a Tarantula: 10 Steps

How to Pick Up a Tarantula: 10 Steps

Tarantulas are fascinating and exotic creatures that turn out to be easy pets to care for; although they may seem frightening, they are extremely delicate. Their bite causes a lot of pain and some species have irritating hairs. Generally speaking, these arachnids should only be observed and not grasped and manipulated;

How to Remove Leeches: 13 Steps

How to Remove Leeches: 13 Steps

Leeches live in the undergrowth, in damp grass and in areas of fresh water. They attach themselves to warm-blooded animals, including humans, and can increase in volume up to 10 times when filled with blood. If you find a leech attached to the body, don't panic, as it does not spread disease and cause no pain.

How to Train the House Rat to Use the Litter Box

How to Train the House Rat to Use the Litter Box

Teaching a pet rat to use the litter box offers many benefits. If your little friend gets used to always going to the same area of the cage, it can become easier to remove the dirt. to litter training, place a litter box in the area of the cage that he tends to use more often as a "

How to Stop Hamsters Fights: 13 Steps

How to Stop Hamsters Fights: 13 Steps

It can be annoying and even distressing when hamsters start fighting; they may squeak, scream or attack each other. One specimen can attack or bully the other living in the same cage, forcing it into submission. However, there are methods you can put into practice to get them to stop and restore calm among your rodent friends.

How to Catch a Groundhog: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Catch a Groundhog: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Do you have a groundhog that is ruining your garden? Marmots are fond of vegetables and legumes, so many gardeners and farmers think that capturing them is the best solution to protect the garden. If you want to catch a marmot you need to know its habits, lure it out of the den and make sure it catches the bait.

4 Ways to Survive a Coyote Attack

4 Ways to Survive a Coyote Attack

The coyote is one of the most common and adaptable wild animals in North America. Generally speaking, it is a shy creature that isolates itself in rural and forest environments, although it can also survive in urban and other populated areas.

How to Set Up a Turtle Aquarium: 12 Steps

How to Set Up a Turtle Aquarium: 12 Steps

Caring for a turtle can be a very rewarding and relaxing experience, but you will have to take it seriously by first setting up an aquarium suitable for your new friend. A good aquarium for turtles will have both an aquatic and a terrestrial area, and must always be kept in optimal conditions thanks to adequate lighting and constant filtering of the water.

How to take care of the Emperor Scorpio

How to take care of the Emperor Scorpio

The emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator) is a species of scorpion native to Africa. It is one of the largest species of scorpion on the planet: the average adult specimen measures about 20 cm in length. Known for being docile and quiet, the emperor scorpion is very interesting, and can make an ideal pet for someone new to arachnids.

How to Build a Rabbit Cage: 10 Steps

How to Build a Rabbit Cage: 10 Steps

Rabbit cages can be quite expensive, especially when you want to give your friend plenty of space to run around when you're not there to get him out. A more effective and economical way to have a cage is to build it yourself. You will need wood paneling, basic tools, and other materials that you probably already have lying around the house.

How to Raise Mice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Raise Mice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

There are several reasons for raising mice ranging from wanting to raise them as pets, to producing snake food. Whatever the reason for doing this, there is a specific process for achieving more humane, safe and effective farming. Read the following article to learn how to successfully breed baby mice in your home.

How to Keep Skunks Away (with Pictures)

How to Keep Skunks Away (with Pictures)

Skunks are small wild animals that defend themselves by spraying animals or people who threaten them via their anal glands. Skunks can cause problems for pets that get too close to them. As with all unwanted pet problems, prevention is better than removal.

5 Ways to Humanly Kill a Rodent

5 Ways to Humanly Kill a Rodent

A rodent infestation at home is at least a nuisance, but in the worst case it is a health hazard. Killing a rodent can never be completely human, but you can still take steps to cause it as little pain as possible. You must also consider issues related to legality, so you must check the laws and regulations of your country or municipality before proceeding and implementing the advice in this tutorial.

How to Clean the Turtle Tank: 14 Steps

How to Clean the Turtle Tank: 14 Steps

If you notice that your turtle's water is dirty, perhaps because you haven't changed it for some time, or there are still traces of dirt inside the tank, it might be worth giving it a good clean. Cleaning the tank thoroughly will remove any algae and bacteria making your turtle healthier and happier!

How To Get To Know Rabbits: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Get To Know Rabbits: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Rabbits like to live together, but only if they have a chance to get to know each other well. Strangers who enter the territory are attacked and forced to flee. If you haven't bought the two rabbits together and your rabbit has lived alone so far, follow these steps to introduce them gradually.

3 Ways to Determine the Age of a Bearded Dragon

3 Ways to Determine the Age of a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons (or pogones) are very popular pets that typically live between 7 and 10 years in captivity. It can often be difficult to determine the age of this animal, especially when it has reached its adult size. In the first year of life you can measure its length to estimate its age.

3 Ways to Remove Ticks from Hair

3 Ways to Remove Ticks from Hair

Hiking, biking, or other outdoor activities are fun ways to spend the summer, but they're also a clear invitation for ticks. If any of these insects have sneaked into your hair or stuck to your skin, you should quickly remove them with a comb, tweezers, and disinfectant.

How to catch a fly with your hands (with pictures)

How to catch a fly with your hands (with pictures)

Not everyone can catch a fly like the Shaolin monks. You won't always have a flytrap or a roll of newspaper on hand when these insects are flying around. However, you can use your hands to catch them. Success is not always guaranteed, but by using the right technique, you can increase the chances of success.

3 Ways to Survive a Lion's Attack

3 Ways to Survive a Lion's Attack

Nature reserve safaris are exciting journeys. Now the popularity of walking safaris has also grown, which are even more thrilling. This great adrenaline rush, however, comes with an increase in danger. Although most lions flee from humans, even when they are on foot, an attack is always possible.

How to Take Care of a Duckling: 5 Steps

How to Take Care of a Duckling: 5 Steps

They cackle. They walk swinging. They swim. They eat. Caring for a duck as a backyard animal can become a noteworthy and relatively simple experience if you follow the easy tips in this article. Steps Step 1. Buy at least two ducks Ducklings are the best choice as they will quickly learn where home is.

How to Care for a Butterfly with a Broken Wing

How to Care for a Butterfly with a Broken Wing

Believe it or not, it is possible to cure a butterfly wing. It is a delicate job, but if you persist, the butterfly can start flying again; however, before letting her go free, you have to offer her food to recover her energy. Steps Method 1 of 2: